Tell It, Paul Begala


Without further comment, the lede of Begala's HuffPo article about McCain, Palin, the truth, the media, and the relationship between the four of them:

If John McCain and Sarah Palin were to say the moon was made of green cheese, we can be certain that Barack Obama and Joe Biden would pounce on it, and point out it's actually made of rock. And you just know the headline in the paper the next day would read: "CANDIDATES CLASH ON LUNAR LANDSCAPE."


And if Barack Obama claimed that he doesn’t take money from PAC's or lobbyists the media would stand up and tell the world that it simply wasn’t so ... oh wait, they actually repeated his talking point over and over .. didn’t they?

One standard for some politicians and another for the others.

The press has been sone one sided toward Obama and biased against McCain-Paln that it has actually back fired. It made Obama appear to be unable to respond to difficult questions and LESS able to handle national problems than McCain. The press attacks on Palin make her look more courageous since the attacks are about her faith and her children and how they stand by their pinciples. The media has been so transparent in its support for Obama and opposition to McCain and Palin.

I feel your pain in that I was a huge Hillary supporter and was bitterly disappointed that she lost. I was split down the middle between Obama and McCain. Until McCain chose Palin. Until the McCain ads started hitting below the belt and charging that Obama made sexist comments about lipstick and teaching sex ed to kindergartners. He is running the same nasty campaign that Bush ran in 2000 and 2004, and he completely lost me. It just reinforced the feeling that I'm voting for another Bush.

I agree with you that Obama should have left his church earlier. I was in a similar situation with the Catholic church. I went since I was born to a church where one day I heard the most anti-semetic speech coming from the pulpit. I wrote a letter of disgust and left. However, not one other person from that congregation batted an eye, or even thought to leave. And they are considered good people and are "pillars" of the community. Many people hate to change what they know.

Make that parallel with politics. My mom is a hard core republican. With the atrocious policies and bungling of this current administration, she would never think to leave the party and vote anything other than republican. People don't like to leave their comfort zone, even if its wrong.

I also agree with you on the ad that Obama is running about the computer. While I don't like it, the fact of the matter is, men's mortality rate in this country is in the mid to high 70's. My father recently had a stroke at 67. My father-in-law is still running his own company at 80. McCain had been tortured for years in a prison camp, which compromised his health as it is. While I was a bit concerned with the age issue previously, his pick of Palin makes me much more confident in my choice of Obama. When I read about how she forced rape victims in Alaska to pay for their own medical examination kits (even though there was ample funding for it), at a cost of $500-$1,500, I was horrified. She's no Hillary.

Where you lost me was your rant on who will be pulling Obama's strings. When I looked at McCain's economic policies it shows that McCain proposes tax cuts twice as deep as Obama's, but it also follows along the Bush line of more going to the wealthy. Obama's targets anyone making $250,000 or LESS. More for the middle class, i.e. you.

I don't think Obama thinks he is our "savior" but I think he can get us back along the lines of where we should be. He questions what he feels isn't right and tries to change it. When I listened to his speech at the DNC I didn't hear the anger, bitterness or hollowness, etc. that you talk about. But what I'm certain of, is that we will get better than 4 more years of the last eight.

Take care,

I don't know what happened to the post that I was responding to. It seems to have just disappeared.

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