McCain Wins Debate! Apparently!


One of Chris Cillizza's eagle-eyed readers makes a good catch: A Wall Street Journal story posted this morning (before, of course, the first presidential debate--indeed, before McCain had even announced that he will, in fact, be participating in it) features an ad declaring, "McCAIN WINS DEBATE!"

Below the ad's image of a smilingly victorious, flag-ensconced candidate, and the all-caps declaration of his victory, smaller text notes: "Paid for by McCain-Palin 2008."

The ad has since been removed from the WSJ page. See the screen shot of it here.


Looks like journalism truly is dead. This page has been faked, probably with something like photoshop, and you guys fell for it. You really should be ashamed of yourselves.

You can categorically state that the page was faked based on your expertise with... what, Bob?

Fake? Yea i'm sure you republican Mccain supporters are claiming its fake because you know your candidate is a joke.

"I'm suspending my campaign to pass legislation"...but he continues to run smear ads all across the country. And his so called help in passing the $700billion plan, well he screwed that up. Then he is NOW attending even though there is no plan passed... what a joke.

The ad was confirmed to be an early release of an ad by someone within the Mccain camp, a MISTAKE.

Hey Bob O'brien,

Reuters reports a McCain campaign spokesman called the ad posting a mistake by the Wall Street Journal.

If it's a fake like you claim, why didn't the McCain campaign call it that?

I checked the ad using some sophisticated technology at my lab, and as it turns out I am actually fake. Sorry for the inconvenience.

I don't see an issue here. Obviously the ad got released early cause I've already seen the exact same ad, but advertising Obama.

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