Mayor Palin and The Press


Something I learned from Newsweek's Sarah Palin ("Palintology") cover story:

As Mayor of Wasilla, Palin "imposed a gag order to keep city personnel from talking to the press."

(Oh, and also, as Palin studies up on what a McCain aide calls "McCain World," Palin "likes to get her study points on large index cards...")


Don't you think Sarah Palin's husband looks a little like Satan?

I cannot believe that the American voter would vote for McCain knowing that his VP choice was a political move; nothing more. He did not put America first; he put himself and the Republican party first. We need to get back to the issues. OUr country is in trouble and neither he nor Sarah (who out and out lies) are the ones to lead us. Why isn't she exposed as a lier, a raciest, and shallow?

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