Live Blogging the Debate

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9:25- On second thought, I'll live blog with the same format as everyone else. Switching to single posts.

9:20- "Definition of rich"? Saddleback callback!

9:19- What's that classy backdrop? Why, it seems to be the Declaration of Independence! (A document which precedes the creation of the presidency by a dozen years.)

9:15- McCain goes into the bear DNA. Isn't that sort of outre after Palin's seal pup DNA thing? And why exactly is Jim letting them talk about earmarks at a foreign policy/financial crisis debate?

9:12- "I'm just determined to get you all to talk to each other. I'm going to try!" Jimmy Bo Bo asks Obama to address McCain directly, and takes these supposedly flexible debate rules for a test drive.

9:08- "Let's go back to my question..." An admirable redirect from Jimmy Bo-Bo.

9:06- Obligatory Kennedy shout out from McCain. Predictable.

9:02- Right up front Lehrer lays out that national security includes the global financial crisis. So that settles that....

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