Lady Rothschild Backs McCain, Duke of Earl To Follow


Seth Colter Walls at Huffington Post talks to big bucks former Clinton supporter Lady Lynn Forester de Rothschild, who has, surprisingly, come out in favor of John McCain. As Walls notes, however, it seems like "her support for McCain was less than entirely thought-through at an ideological level":

Rothschild once told me that if she were to ever support McCain, it would be "more in sadness than in anger." Today, however, she touted her "enthusiastic support" for the McCain-Palin ticket during her press conference. When I asked her whether she still held onto any of that former sadness, Rothschild looked taken aback and said she was sad about the Democratic Party in general, as led by Howard Dean and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

Here's what one of Clinton's people thinks of the defection: "The Duke of York already had plans, so Lady de Rothschild was the next most important endorsement to reassure working Americans during the economic crisis."



She also called Obama an "elitist."
I shit you not.

Did Lady de Rothschild hold her press conference at Doubles? Or was that too inclusive a venue for her?

Upon hearing her pronounce Obama an elitist, the editors of The Onion voted unanimously to cease publication.

She is a very smart woman and puts her country ahead of a political party.

She is a very smart woman and puts her country ahead of a political party.

I admire anyone that puts common sense ahead of politics.

MT suit Obama, Streisand, Kerry, Gore are elitists, T. Boone Pickens, Bill Gates, Lady Rothschild are not.

It's not money that makes an elitists (in the current sense of the word) it's an attitude that shows disdain for small town, rural, religious and non-college educated people. An attitude held by people like that fraud Obama, Hollywood phonies and many academics.

Well, what did Obama expect with his 2AM Joe Biden is my VP and FU Hillary text message slam? Did he think that this would have brought the party together and brought in Clinton die-hards or alienate them, and what does this pettiness say about his ability to unite people and lead?

I think his former pastor’s words about “chickens coming home to roost” have a delicious irony here.

yeah, that fraud Obama! that bastid taught congressional law and is a two term half black senator who works for the rights of others, with the high primary turnout and record setting fundraising from grass roots! He's not the REAL deal like Palin (4 colleges in 6 years, 18 mos governor, currently being investigated, husband wants to secede from US) or McCain (Sold soul to the dev...I mean Rove's ideology to try and win and thinks the economy is "strong"). Gimme a break. Better yet, gimme a President who isnt a moron letting his friends screw the country.

This is really a sad day for our country. Obviously Dr. Rothschild knows nothing about Obama and her decision is totally all about money!! I really feel sorry for her, because she can't take all that money with her when she dies.

Who let le Tramp De Rothschild out her kennel???

Like putting lipstick on a pitbull...

Oh chill, it's joke. :D

Who let le Tramp De Rothschild out her kennel???

Like putting lipstick on a pitbull...

Oh chill, it's joke. :D

Isn't the United States one of the Rothschild's territories? After all it is their hands that now steer the course.

well i am afraid if obama wins they will all jump on the welfare rolls

Didn't she just refer to Obama's supporters as rednecks??

Who is "all will jump on the welfare rolls"???

At least someone out there has the brains and backing to speak her mind with intelligence. What I see is when anyone with money backs McCain people have something negative to throw. Too many of you people are afraid of money and power - or simply jealous.

Reply to:

Thu 18 Sep 2008 04:27 AM
She also called Obama an "elitist."I shit you not.

My answer:

You evidently do not know what an elitist is.

Like Hitler, one who percieves him/her self as the savior of something. Bill Clinton thought he was, so did Jim Jones, and many others throughout history. Obama is definatley an elitest! So I guess the truth makes her right and you just an elitist defender.

Reply to:

Thu 18 Sep 2008 04:27 AM
She also called Obama an "elitist."I shit you not.

My answer:

You evidently do not know what an elitist is.

Like Hitler, one who percieves him/her self as the savior of something. Bill Clinton thought he was, so did Jim Jones, and many others throughout history. Obama is definatley an elitest! So I guess the truth makes her right and you just an elitist defender.

I just saw her spewing her propaganda BS on FAUX Noise last night and she basically went on and on about how how 'smart' Sarah Palin was (OMG! I was with her for 3 hours and she is SO smart!) and how Obama in league with the rest of the Dems will set on a course to destroy this country.

To translate, just utilize the '180 Rule' where everything their side accuses the other of is exactly the things they are guilty of.

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