Dispatches From Oxford


What’s the most common question currently being posed to the staff of the Oxford Eagle, the daily newspaper that serves the town of twenty thousand that’s been taken over for tonight’s debate? "Where should I eat?"

In fact, according to Eagle news editor Jon Scott, someone from Jim Lehrer’s staff called asking just that.

In addition to fielding calls from hungry visiting media, the staff has been covering the local angle: how the debates are affecting the community. “We know our readers, we’re glad that we have a unique role. While everyone else is covering this for the country, we’re interested in how local people are involved, how it’s affecting a town, and everyone else is covering the debates,” said senior staff writer Lucy Schultze. New traffic patterns and security measures have been of particular importance.

As the home of the University of Mississippi, Oxford is used to large crowds descending on the town. “It’s not worse than a typical football weekend,” says staff writer Melanie Addington.

But the visitors aren’t the typical football fans. Last week, Addington befriended a journalist from Norway who arrived without a car, and the pair have become carpool buddies. And she also spoke with a group of university students who were upset that a journalist wanted them to talk about racial tensions there—a non-issue, according to many on campus.

Other frustrations have been logistical: Although the Eagle’s office is located less than a mile from the Ford Center (where the debates will take place), the new traffic patterns mean that getting there requires an almost half-hour drive.

The paper’s photographer Bruce Newman learned what it’s like to be part of a media pack. The Commercial Appeal, from Memphis, caught Newman turning himself into a pretzel to get a shot at a press conference this week.

Schultze says locals are clamoring for celebrities: Tom Brokaw was seen at the Bottletree Bakery in town, and every seat in the cafe was filled with an Ole Miss student waiting for just such an encounter.

The town square is decked out in omnipresent red, white, and blue bunting, with signs welcoming the debate decorating store windows alongside student artwork. “Shop owners have been going all out to make their window displays make patriotic,” Schultze says. And a local artist created a window painting at a cafe which depicts Obama and McCain having coffee together. It’s called, “Strange, Indeed.”

Now that the debate is definitely on, both the town and the Eagle are breathing a sigh of relief. “For us in the newsroom and shared by journalists everywhere, we didn’t want to do it all over again, in the midst of our regular beats, other news still happens,” says staff writer Alyssa Schnugg.

For example, the local police set up a drunk-driving checkpoint last weekend and ended up making 100 arrests, exceeding jail capacity. “It could be related to the debates, though,” Schnugg says.


Out of all of that, this sentence bothered me ... "the Eagle’s office is located less than a mile from the Ford Center (where the debates will take place), the new traffic patterns mean that getting there requires an almost half-hour drive."

If it's less than a mile, get off your butt and walk, better for you, better for the planet.

And before you whine you're a photographer and have to carry equipment, fine, wear a backpack or tow a wagon.

This is how America got so fat, the new "national security issue."

They don't allow walking access, you had to drive around to the other side to be able to access and then walk from there!

Chase, you should make sure you know what you are talking about before you make rude, nasty comments to someone. How about a little common courtesy??!!

She couldn't walk any where near the debate sight as security agencies had a very wide "no walk zone" between her office and Ford Center.

The tradition of calling the local paper for assistance goes way back. As a foreign correspondent I learned to always meet with the local folks--even if they were on the payroll of local pols, they knew the best eateries, bars and other entertainment spots.
I still have an uncollected bet from Photographer Viorel Florescu that I could obtain whiskey in the normally dry region of Sylet, Bangladesh. Actually it may not have been whiskey but it came in an oft recycled Johnnie Walker bottle and had quite a kick.

James, enjoyed your yarn about the whiskey bet. Good show.

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