

And you thought CNN's convention graphics were distracting? Did you (could you?) see Friday night's debate? The tri-lined reaction meter (Dems, Repubs, Indies) and those six (I think) circles of hell/insta-punditry?

From James Poniewozick debate live-blog at Time:

10:02: NBC wins for least distracting bottom-of-screen chyrons. After staring at that terrifying CNN screen, it's like a spa for my eyeballs.


Poniewozick should have turned to PBS (after all, it was their moderator): nothing on the top or the bottom of the screen. A five-star hotel for ther eyes, one might say.

Don't you want news entities to keep experimenting? I personally had no problem with the graphics. I'd like to see further refinements, but the idea that we can see the reaction of pundits and audience members seems to me a fine one. And for those who don't like it,'re not exactly a captive audience. Sometimes, I think people take shots at things to deal with their own inner demons.

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